Ricardo Cases’ (ES, Alicante, 1971) photographic work focuses on human yearning: the deep and universal longings of the citizen lost in a mass society, fighting against banality in an effort to transcend; Cases is interested in the human and anthropological. He searches for the truthful and universal pulsations beating beneath the banal, often kitsch and unglamorous surface of contemporary Spain. Levante, his lastest work, is an anthropological laboratory and a scale model of contemporary Spain, delving deeper into the photographic language that emerged in his previous book El porqué de las naranjas. (Luis López Navarro)
Ricardo Cases joins the Blank Paper Photography Collective in 2006. In 2008, he co-founds Fiesta Ediciones with the designer Natalia Troitiño. He teaches in various schools in Spain, including Blank Paper School, IED, EFTI and CASA.